Biopolitical and digital trends in the development of political and legal practices during the pandemic

  • Mamychev A.Yu.

    А. Yu. Mamychev. Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow. Russia

  • Petrova D.A.

    D. A. Petrova. Eastern Federal University. Vladivostok. Russia


This article aims to identify the main changes and trends in public-power relations in Russia during the pandemic of the new Covid-19 coronavirus infection. The paper uses an interdisciplinary approach and the geopolitical concept of power relations as a theoretical and methodological basis. The authors conclude that along with the positive aspects of digitalization, it is necessary to talk about at least three negative trends that emerged during the pandemic: accelerated or even aggressive digitalization without sufficient preparation; using the
achievements of the technological revolution in order to control and record data on the population; reducing the quality of legal regulation, expressed in reliance on administrative and power acts and legitimization of power decisions.
Keywords: power relations, state, legitimation, socio-political organization, legal policy, digitalization,
digital technologies.